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A Poetical Translation of the works of Horace

With the Original Text, and Critical Notes collected from his best Latin and French Commentators. By the Revd Mr. Philip Francis...The third edition

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Ode XVII. To Tyndaris.

Pan from Arcadia's Heights descends
To visit oft my rural Seat,
And here my tender Goats defends
From rainy Winds, and Summer's fiery Heat;
For when the Vales wide-spreading round,
The sloping Hills, and polish'd Rocks
With his harmonious Pipe resound,
In fearless Safety graze my wandering Flocks;
In Safety through the woody Brake
The latent Shrubs and Thyme explore,
Nor longer dread the speckled Snake,
And tremble at the martial Wolf no more.
Their Poet to the Gods is dear,
They love my Piety and Muse,
And all our rural Honours here
Their flowery Wealth around Thee shall diffuse.
Here shall You tune Anacreon's Lyre
Beneath a shady Mountain's Brow,
To sing frail Circe's guilty Fire,
And chaste Penelope's unbroken Vow.


Far from the burning Dog-Star's Rage
Here shall You quaff our harmless Wine;
Nor here shall Mars intemperate wage
Rude War with Him, who rules the jovial Vine.
Nor Cyrus' bold Suspicions fear;
Not on thy Softness shall he lay
His desperate Hand thy Clothes to tear,
Or brutal snatch thy festal Crown away.