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Latine Songs

With their English: and Poems. By Henry Bold ... Collected and perfected by Captain William Bold

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A pretty Jest I will you tell,
O'th' guelding of the Devil of Hell.
There was a Baker of Mansfield Town,
To Nottingham Market he was bound;
And riding under a Willow there,
The Baker sung with a lusty cheer.


The Baker's Horse was plump and sound,
And worth, in judgment, full five pound;
His skin was smooth, his flesh was fat,
His Master was well pleas'd thereat,
And therefore sings so merrily,
As he was riding on the way.


But as he rode over the Hill,
There meeting with the Devil of Hell
Oh Baker, Baker! then cry'd he,
How came thy Horse so fat to be?
These be the words the Baker did say
Because his Stones are cut away.



Then, quoth the Devil, if it be so,
Thou shalt gueld me before thou go:
First, tie thy Horse to yonder Tree,
And be thou ready to gueld me.
The Baker had a knife for th' nones,
Wherewith to cut out th'Devils stones.


The Baker, as it came to pass,
In hast alighted from his Horse;
And as the Devil on's back did lay,
The Baker cut his Stones away;
Which put the Devil to great pain,
And made him to cry out amain.


Oh! quoth the Devil, beshrew thy heart!
Thou dost not feel how I do smart;
And for the Deed that thou hast done,
I will revenged be agen;
And underneath this Green-wood-Tree
Next Market-day I will gueld thee.


The Baker then but little said,
But at his heart was sore afraid,
And longer there he would not stay,
But he rode home another way;
And coming to his Wife, did tell
How he had guelt the Devil of Hell.



Moreover, to his Wife he told
A thing which made her heart full cold:
A grievous word as he did say,
That he'd gueld me next Market-day:
To whom quoth Goodwife, without doubt,
I'd rather both your eyes were out.


For then all people far and near
That knows thee will both mock and jeer,
And good Wives they will sooff and brawl,
And stoneless Guelding will thee call:
Then hold content, and be thou wise,
And I'll some pretty trick devise.


I'll make the Devil change his Note,
Do thou but lend to me thy Coat,
Thy Hose and Doublet eke also,
And I like to thy self will go,
And warrant thee next Market-day
To fright the Devil quite away.


The Bakers Wife thus being drest,
With Market-bread upon her Beast,
She goes to Nottingham brave Town,
To sell her Bread, both white and brown;
And as she rode over the Hill,
She met there with two Devils of Hell.



A little Devil and another,
As they played both together:
Oh! quoth one of them, right fain,
Here comes the Baker on amain;
And be thou well, or be thou wo,
I will gueld thee before thou go.


The Bakers Wife to th' Devil did say,
Sir, I was guelded yesterday.
Oh! quoth the Devil, I mean to see,
Pulling her Coats up to the knee:
So looking upward from the ground,
Oh! there he spy'd a terrible wound.


Ah! quoth the Devil, now I see
He was not cunning guelded thee;
For when he had cut out thy Stones,
He should have closed up the wounds:
But if thou'lt stay a little space,
I'll fetch some Salve to cure the place.


He had gone but a little way,
When up her Belly creept a Flea:
The little Devil seeing that,
He with his paw did giv't a pat:
Which made the Goodwife for to start,
And out she let a rowzing Fart.



O! quoth the Devil, thy life's not long,
Thy breath it smells so wondrous strong;
Then go thy way, and make thy will,
This wound is past all humane skill:
Be gone, be gone, make no delay,
For here no longer shalt thou stay.


The Goodwife at this News was glad,
And left the Devil almost mad;
And when she to her Husband came,
She gladly told to him the same,
How she had couzen'd the Devil of Hell,
So for to make a Jest full well.