University of Virginia Library


XXXIV. The sterre hym schon bothe nyȝt and day,
To lede thre kynges ther our Lord lay.

Jhesu was born in Bedlem Judé,
Of mayde Mary, thus fynde we;
Out of the est come kynges thre
with ryche presentes, as I ȝow say.
As they went forth in here pas,
The sterre schon al in here fas
As bryȝt as golde withine the glas,
to Bedlem to ledyn hem the way.
Kyng Herowdes was most of pryse,
He seyde to tho thre kynges that wern so wys
“Go and sekit me ȝone chyld of pryse,
and comit ageyn be me, I ȝou pray.
And I myself xal with ȝow wynde,
The chyld to worchepe, the child to fynde,
And worchepyn hym with al myn mynde,
with al the onour that I may.”
Quan they kemyn into that plas
Ther Jhesu with his moder was,


They settyn hem doun and made solas,
and every kyng to other gan say.
Quan they haddyn offerid up here presens,
With gold and myrre and francincens,
As clerkes redyn in here sequens,
he took it of hem, and seyd not nay.
Quan they hadde offerid here offeryng
To Jhesu that is hevene kyng,
Of an aungyl they hadd warnyng,
to wendyn hom be another way.
The aungyl cam fro hevene kyng,
And bad tho thre kynges ageyn hom wynd,
Therin to dwelle, therin to ben,
til kyng Herowdes endyng day.
Kyng Herowde wox wol ille,
For tho thre kynges comyn hym not tille,
For to fulfille his wykkyd wille,
and to his knytes he gan say.
Kyng Herowdes wox wroth anon,
The chylderin of Israel he dide slon,
He wende Jhesu hadde ben the ton,
and ȝyt he falyid of his pray.


Kyng Herowdes deyid, and went to helle,
For swete Jhesus that we spelle;
God saf us fro the peynis of helle,
and fro the wykkid fyndes pray.