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The Treasury of Musick

Containing ayres and dialogues To Sing to the theorbo-lute or basse-viol. Composed

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A Resolution not to Love.
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A Resolution not to Love.


Love I must tell thee, Ile no longer be
A Victive to thy beardless Deitie;
Nor shall this heart of mine, now 'tis return'd,
Be offer'd at thy shrine, or at thy Altar burn'd.
Love like Religions made an Ayrie name,
To awe those souls whom want of wit makes tame.


Ther's no such thing as Quiver, Shaft, or Bow,
Nor do's Love wound, but we Imagine so:
Or if it do's perplex and grieve the mind,
'Tis the poor masculine sect: women no sorrow find.
'Tis not our parts or person that can move 'um,
Nor is't mens worth, but wealth, makes women love 'um.


Reason henceforth, not Love, shall be my guide,
Our fellow Creatures shan't be deifide:
Ile now a Rebell be, and so pull down
That distaffe Hierarchy and females fanci'd crown.
In these unbridled times who will not strive
To free his neck from all prerogative.