University of Virginia Library

All you that wearyed bodies haue, with sickenesse ouerprest.
Loe, now I fly: I fly away, the cause of your vnrest.
Lift vp your heads: a better state of Ayre shall strayght ensewe
Whan I am gone: for whom alone, these dreadfull myschiefs grewe.
And you that now, halfe dead yet liue in wretched misers case.
Help those whō present torments presse forth, hye you on apace.
For loe, with me I cary hence, all mischiefes vnder Skyes.
All cruell Fates, Diseases all that for my sake did ryse,
With mee they goe: with me both griefe, Plague, Pocks, Botch, & all
The ills that eyther now you presse, or euer after shall.
With me they goe, with me: these Mates bin meetst of all for mee.
Who am the most vnhappiest wretch that euer Sun did see.