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A Stanzaic Life of Christ

Compiled from Higden's Polychronicon and the Legenda Aurea

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Thre skilles I fynde in gode fay
wherfore þis fest shuld honouret be,
the first for hit is eght day
of Ihesu Cristes natiuite,
The secunde eke, ȝe knowe may,
Is gyuyng of nome, leue ȝe me,
the thrid blode-shedyng, soth to say,
that for mon-kynde first shed he.
As to þe first, I may wel preue,
sithen seyntes festes honouret ben
Aght days to-geder, his forto leue
vnskilful siȝt hit wer to sene;
Sithen þat he is most of myȝt
And of alle seyntes hede & souerayn,
to reuerence his day hit is ryght
And mensk hit most with al our mayn.
The secunde skil is sikerly
qvy we honouren þis day,
for nomet he was witerly,
As Goddes mouth bifore con say.