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A Handefull of pleasant delites

Containing sundrie new Sonets and delectable Histories, in diuers kindes of Meeter. Newly deuised to the newest tunes that are now in use, to be sung: euerie Sonet orderly pointed to his proper Tune. With new additions of certain Songs, to verie late deuised Notes, not commonly knowen, nor vsed heretofore, By Clement Robinson, and diuers others

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A proper new Ditye Intituled: Fie vpō Loue and al his lawes.

A proper new Ditye Intituled: Fie vpō Loue and al his lawes.


To the tune of remember me.

Such bitter fruit thy loue doth yeelde,
Such broken hopes, such hope vusure,
Thy call so oft hath me beguilde.
That I vnneth can well indure:
But envie (alas) as I haue cause,
Fie vpon Loue and all his Lawes.
Like Piramus, I sigh and grone,
Whom Stone wals, keept from his loue,
And as the wariour Palemon,
A thousand stormes, for thee I proue,
Yet thou a cruell Tigers whelpe,
All slaiest the hart, whom thou maist help.

A craggie Rocke, thy Cradle, was,
And Tigers milke sure was thy foode,
Wher by Dame Nature brought to passe,
That like the Nurse should be thy moode:
Wild and vnkinde, cruell and fell,
to rent the hart that loues thee well.
The Crocodile with fained teares,
The Fisher not so oft beguiles:
As thou hath but my [illeg.] eares
To here sweet words, ye maye afright wt wiles,
that I may say, as I do prooue,
VVo worth the, [illeg.], [illeg.] no loue.
Sith thou hast no wo to worke my wrack
And hast no will my wealth to way:
Farewell vnkinde, I will keepe backe,
Such toyes as may my helth decay:
and still will cry as I haue cause.
Fie vpon Loue and all his lawes.