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The Hymnes and Songs of the Chvrch

Diuided into two parts. The first part comprehends the Canonicall Hymnes, and such parcels of Holy Scripture, as may properly be sung, with some other ancient Songs and Creeds. The second part consists of Spirituall Songs, appropriated to the seuerall Times and Occasions obserueable in the Church of England. Translated and Composed by G. VV. [i.e. George Wither]

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THE HYMNES of the new Testament.
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THE HYMNES of the new Testament.


SONG. XXXII. Magnificat. Luk. 1. 46.


Sing this as the 3 Song.


That magnifi'de the LORD may be,
My Soule now vndertakes;
And in the God that saueth me,
My Spirit merry-makes.
For, he vouchsafed hath to view
His Handmaides poore degree.
And loe, All Ages that ensue,
Shall blessed reckon me.


Great things for me Th'Almightie does,
And Holy is his Name:
From Age to Age he mercie showes
On such as feare the same.
He by his Arme declard his might:
And this to passe hath brought;
That now the Proud are put to flight,
By what their hearts haue thought.


The Mightie plucking from their Seat;
The Poore he placed there:
And for the Hungrie takes the meat
From such, as Wealthy are.
But, minding Mercie, he hath show'd


His Seruant Isr'el grace:
As he to our Forefathers vow'd;
To Abraham, and his Race.

SONG XXXIII. Benedictus, Luk. 1. 68.


Sing this as the third Song.


Blest be the God of Israel;
For he his People bought,
And in his Seruant Dauids house,
Hath great Saluation wrought.
As by his Prophets he foretold,
Since time began to be:
That from our Foes we might be safe,
And from our Haters free.


That he might shew our Fathers Grace,
And beare in minde the same,
Which by an Oath, he vow'd vnto


Our Father Abraham;
That from our Aduersaries freed,
We serue him fearelesse might,
In righteousnesse, and holinesse,
Our life time in his sight.


And (of the Highest) thee, oh Child!
The Prophet, I declare,
Before the Lord, his face to goe;
His comming to prepare.
To teach his People how they shall,
That safety come to know,
Which by remission of their sinnes,
He doth on them bestow.


For, it is through the tender loue,
Of God alone, whereby,
That Day-Spring hath to visit vs,
Descended from on high;
To light them who in darknesse sit,
(And in Death's shade abide,)
And in the blessed way of Peace
Their wandring Feete to guide.


SONG. XXXIV. The Song of Angels. Luk 2. 13.

Thus Angells sung, and thus sing we;
To GOD on high all glorie be:
Let him on Earth his Peace bestowe,
And vnto men his Fauour show.


SONG XXXV. Nunc Dimittis. Luk. 2. 29.


Sing this as the third Song.

Grant now in peace (that by thy leaue)
I may depart, oh Lord:
For, thy Saluation seene I haue,
According to thy Word.
That which prepared was by Thee,
Before all Peoples sight,
Thy Israels Renowne to be:
And to the Gentiles Light.


SONG. XXXVI. The Song of Moses, and the Lambe. Reu. 15. 3.


Sing this as the 13. Song.


Oh, thou Lord, thou God of might,
(Who dost all things worke aright)
Whatsoe're is done by thee,
Great and wondrous prooues to be.


True thy waies are, and direct,
Holy King, of Saints elect.
And (oh therefore) who is there,
That of thee, retaines no feare?


Who is there that shall deny,
Thy great Name to glorifie?
For thou Lord, and thou alone,
Art the perfect Holy-One:


In thy presence, Nations all
Shall to adoration fall.
For, thy iudgments now appeare,
Vnto all men what they are.
Here end the Hymnes of the New Testament.