University of Virginia Library

Of 5. voc.

XVII. All yee that ioy in wayling

All yee that ioy in wayling

All yee that ioy in wayling, come seate your selues arow, come arow, come arow and weepe, and weepe beesids mee, that while my lyfe is fayling, the world may see, in loue what ill betide mee, and after death, doe this in my behoue, tell Cressed, Troyelus, Troyelus, is dead for loue.

XVIII. My prime of youth

My prime of youth, of youth, is but a frost of cares

My prime of youth, of youth, is but a frost of cares, my feast of ioy, is but a dish of paine, my crop of corne, is but a feeld of tares, and all my good, is but vaine hope of gaine: the day is fled, and yet I saw no sunne, and now I liue, and now my lyfe is done.

XIX. The The spring is past

The spring is past and yet it hath not sprung

The spring is past and yet it hath not sprung, the fruit is dead, and yet the leaues be greene, My youth is gone, and yet I am but young, I saw the world, and yet I was not seene, and yet I was not seene, My thread is cut, and yet it is not spun, and now I liue, and now my life is done.

XX. Fayer is my loue

Fayer is my loue, my loue, my deere & onely Iewell

Fayer is my loue, my loue, my deere & onely Iewell, my loue, my deere and onely Iewell, Mylde are her lookes, but yet her hart is cruell, O that her hart, were as her lookes are mylde, then should I not from comfort be exilde. O that her hart, were as her lookes are mylde, then should I not from comfort be exild.

XXI. Slie theefe, if so you will beleeue

Slie theefe, if so you will beleeue

Slie theefe, if so you will beleeue, It nought or little did mee grieue, That my true hart you had bereft, Till that vnkindely, you it left, Leauing you lose, losing you kill, that which I may forgoe so ill. Leauing you lose, losing you kill, That which I may forgoe so ill.

XXII. What thing more cruell can you doe

What thing more cruell can you doe

What thing more cruell can you doe, Then rob a man and kill him to, Wherefore of loue I aske this meede, To bring you where you did this deede, That there you may for your amisses, Bee dammag'd in, bee dammag'd in a thousand kisses. bee dammag'd in, bee dammag'd in a thousand kisses, That there you may for your amisses, bee dammag'd in, bee dammag'd in a thousand kisses, bee dammag'd in, bee dammag'd in a thousand kisses.

XXIII. Yee restles cares

Yee restles cares, companions of the night

Yee restles cares, companions of the night, the night, yee restles cares, companions of the night, That wrap my ioyes, my ioyes in foulds of endlesse woes, the wrap my ioyes, in foulds of endlesse woes; Tire on my hart and wound it with your spight, with your spight, Since loue and fortune, since loue and fortune, loue and fortune, loue loue and fortune proues my equall foes, Farewell my hopes, Farewell my happie daies, Welcome sweet griefe, sweet griefe, welcome sweet griefe, the subiect of my layes. Farewell my hopes, Farewell my happie daies, Welcome sweet griefe, sweet griefe, Welcome sweet griefe the subiect of my laies.

XXIIII. You mourne: And Goddesses desend

You mourne: And Goddesses desend, and ayde my soule with sadnesse

You mourne: And Goddesses desend, and ayde my soule with sadnesse, and aide my soule with sadnesse, and my sprite, Sadnesse is fittest now, sadnesse is fittest now for mee t'intend, Let heauinesse and griefe, bee my delight. And pensiue sorrow alwaies in my sight: and pensiue sorrow in my sight, I pray thee stand and help mee sing lamenting, The powers deuine, to it are all assenting.