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Mvsica transalpina

Madrigales translated out of foure, fiue and sixe partes, chosen out of diuers excellent Authors, vvith the first and second part of La Verginella, made by Maister Byrd, vpon tvvo Stanza's of Ariosto, and brought to speake English vvith the rest. Published by N. Yonge, in fauour of such as take pleasure in Musicke of voices

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[XIX. Svsanna faire sometime of loue requested]

Svsanna faire sometime of loue requested

Svsanna faire sometime of loue requested, sometime of loue requested, by two old men whome her sweete lookes allur'd, was in was in her hart full sad & sore molested, seing the force her chastitie endur'd, to them she sayd, if I by craft procur'd, do yeld to you my body to abuse it, I kill my soule, I kill my soule, & if I shal refuse it, you wil me iudge to death reprochfully, but better it is, in innocēce to chuse /it, in innocēce to chuse it, then by my fault, thē by my fault, t'offēd my God on hye, then by my fault, t'offēd my God on hye.


Song XX. is a repetition of Song XIX.