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The Mirrovr of Maiestie

or, the Badges of Honovr conceitedly emblazoned: with emblemes annexed, poetically vnfolded [by Sir Henry Goodere?]

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This glorious Starre attending on the Sunne,
Having, from this low world, iust wonder wonne
For brightnes; Envie, that foule Stygian brand,
T'extinguish it thrusts forth her greedie hand:
To catch it from its mounted moving place,
And hurle it lower to obscur'd Disgrace:
But while she snatches, to put out the flame,
Foolishly fiers her fingers with the same.
Who others glories striue t'eclipse (poore Elues)
Doe but drawe downe selfe-mischiefe on themselues.
You waiting on the Sunne of Maiestie
May that clamping Heliotropium be:
Still bright in your Eclipticke circle runne,
Y' are out of Envies reach, so neare the Sunne.
Moue fairely, freely in your wonted Orbe,
Aboue the danger of Detractions curbe,
And her selfe-bursting Brood: sit there, contemne,
Nay laugh, and scorne both their despight, and them.