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With the Muses Looking-Glasse. Amyntas. Jealous Lovers. Arystippus. By Tho: Randolph ... The fourth Edition enlarged [by Thomas Randolph]

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An Epitaph upon Mrs. J. T.
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An Epitaph upon Mrs. J. T.

Reader, if thou hast a tear,
Thou canst not choose but pay it here,
Here lies modesty, meeknesse, zeale,
Goodnesse, Piety, and to tell
Her worth at once, one that had shown
All vertues that her sex could own,
Nor dare my praise too lavish be,
Lest her dust blush, for so would she.
Hast thou beheld in the spring's bowers
Tender buds break to bring forth flowers?
So to keep vertues stock, pale death
Took her to give her infant breath,
Thus her accounts were all made even,
She robb'd not earth, to add to heaven.