University of Virginia Library

Þenne vp sturten þe folk and wolden wiþ wepene
sle Iosep[h] and his sone for sake of þis oþer;
And þe kyng Eualac cauȝte his swerd sone,
And beo þe miht of Iubiter he swor to hem alle,


weore eny of heom so wood heom forte founde,
he wolde felle hem feye ar þei þenne ferden.
þenne seis þe kyng “mai þer out me helpe
forto saue me out ȝif þat hit so lym[p]e?”
“ȝe, sire,” seis Iosaphe “to fonge þe trouþe.”
“And what trouwest þou of þis mon tides him hele?”
“Gos to oure Maumetes and proues heore mihtes.”
þenne þei taken þis mon and towen him to þe temple,
A-non þei brouȝten him forþ bi-foren þe moste mayster,
Calleþ vppon an ymage þat Appollin hette,
and wol not onswere a word þauh þei scholde swelten.
þenne spekes an ymage in a-noþer huirne,
þat ȝe clepeþ Martis “nouȝt is þat ȝe mene;
Appolin is bounden and braset so faste,
he may not speke a word for no þing alyue.”