University of Virginia Library

Hit tidde after bi time as þe tale minges,
þe douȝti duk of saxoyne drow to þat londe
wiþ ouer-gart gret ost godmen of armes,
wrongly forto werre wiþ þemperour þat time.
& wiþ bobaunce & wiþ bost brent fele tounes,
no strengþe him wiþ-stod of sad stonen walles,
but bet a-doun burwes & brutned moche peple,
so þat duel was to deme þe duresse þat he wrouȝt.
whanne þese tyding were told to þemperour of rome,
he was gretly a-greued no gome þort him blame,
þat eni weiȝh of þe world schuld werre on his lond.
his sondes þanne he sente swiþe al a-boute
to alle þe lordes of his land to lasse & to more,
þat ouȝten him omage or ani seute elles,
& warned hem werfore he wiȝtly hem of-sent,
& het hem alle hiȝe þider as harde as þei miȝt,
wel warnished for þe werre wiþ clene hors & armes.
whanne þemperours komaundment was kud al aboute,


Mani was þat bold barn þat busked þider sone,
kinges & kud dukes & kniȝtes ful gode,
& oþer bold burnes a-boute sexti þousand,
alle boun to batayle in ful briȝt armes.
and riȝt in-to rome alle þe rinkes drowe,
to wite þemperours wille how he wirche þouȝt.