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The works of Sir William Mure of Rowallan

Edited with introduction, notes, and glossary by William Tough

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Help, help, O Lord! sueit saviour aryse,
Giwe ear unto my humble suits, and heir my wofull cryes,
My sorowing sighes, (guid Lord!), do not dispyse,
Awalk, my sillie saul, in sin qch too securely lyes.
Help (blessed Lord!) I pray,
Thy servant in distresse;
Haist, (sueit Jehova!) schune delay,
My hynous sins redresse.
Deir Father, I confesse
Still yat I ran astray;
Bot now recall me, not ye lesse,
Out of ye wandring way,
In quhich so long
I have gone wronge,
Accompany'd wt bluid convoyes.
One drop afford,
O heavinly Lord!
Of grace,
And cloath my sorowing saule wt joyes.
Thyne ayde, O my creatour, I implore;
Withhold from me thy favour now no more;
Justly thot I deserued thyne ire,
And nothing bot hels fyre,


Ȝit, Lord, I humbly the requyre,
Contemne not my desyre.
Erect my puir dejected spreit,
Prostrat befoir thy mercies feete,
Full sore affrayed to pleid for grace,
Wnworthy to present thy face.
Ȝit suffer not, sueit Lord, I pray,
My silly saule decay,
Bot once remitt, wtout delay,
My sinis for now and ay.