University of Virginia Library




THIR syndrie sequent sayings Imperfyt,
So suddan scriblit be my sklender skill,
Sum recentlie, And sum of my first dyt,
I haif Insert this papir blank to fill.
Thocht source I souck not on the sacred hill,
Bot poems spill, ȝit humylie I pretend
My paine to spend, Ay hoiping suirlie still
Ȝour hienes vill My minchit meiter mend.
So condiscend, And do the same defend,
Than sall be kend Quhat vertew in ȝow lyis,
Not to despyis my sempill versis pend,
Quhilks to my end Sall ay awance ȝour pryis.
My ruid dewyis, Sir, In guid part than tak;
Gif I could better, Better sould I mak.