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II A 20

[My deare sith chaunce hath Chosen me/ to be thyne only man]

My deare sith chaunce hath Chosen me/ to be thyne only man
Thee for to serve in eache degree/ so farr forth as I can
With humble hart I me submytt/ to do thie will in all
as one contented with eache whitt/ that by suche fate doth fall
Then for thie parte I the requyre/ let shew no sturdie guyse
as thoughe thow discontentid were/ with this the godes devyse
for certes sweete beleve this well/ long tyme our birthes before
Appointed was that we shuld dwell/ in love for evermore
Suche pleasure toke the powre devyne/ to knytt us two in one
then for my parte I me assigne/ to Reape that they have sowne
Happ good or yll, taste sweete or sowre/ come weale or ells suche woe
Appointed hath that fatall howre/ me for to love thee so
For ever, never to repent/ the good will that I beare
althoughe to thee suche lot weare lent/ as was to Ixion the fayre
Shuld I then shrinck the to defend/ the griselye Monstre froe
and see with eye the dredfull end/ alas shuld I do so
In pryson thoughe thow weare as sure/ as Quene proserpyne was
whyles breathe and lyfe in me did dure/ ne wold I stay to passe
by owglye Cerberus sett I sholde/ my foote even for thie sake
and on hym wynne that streight I wolde/ ells theare myne end to take
So if the hundreth Centaures came/ A way the for to steale
Lyke as they did yong Ixodame/ yet wold I them assayle
Althoughe I note my self unmeete/ suche enterpryse to prove
Yet for my Ixodame mooste Sweete/ sweete weare suche death for love
Whearby shuld spring for aye suche fame/ as never shuld deceave
unto disloyall lovers blame/ and to the faithfulls prays
Loe, here my sweete even for thie sake/ yf powre to my will
In faith ne wold I stynt ne slake/ all theise thinges to fulfill