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[The Courte of Vertu

contaynynge many holy songes, Sonettes, psalmes and ballettes] [by John Hall]

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The abridgement of our Christen beleefe, written as some suppose into .xii. Articles, by the .xii. holy apostels of our sauiour Iesus Chryste.

The abridgement of our Christen beleefe, written as some suppose into .xii. Articles, by the .xii. holy apostels of our sauiour Iesus Chryste.

The .xii. Apostelles of Iesus our lorde,
After their holy preachyng a long tyme,
And settyng forth of goddes most holy worde,
Preaching repentaunce from al synne and cryme
Yet not withstandinge all their dilygence,
Mistaking of goddes worde dyd make offence.
For many heresyes dyd then aryse,
And mysbelefe in god our lorde aboue,
By mystakyng, and worldely wyt lyke wise,
Whiche made from true fayth many to remoue.
For carnall reason walketh styll astray,
And vnto fayth dothe alwayes disobay.
These holy preachers therfore thinkinge best
In this turmoyle to set order and staye,
Dyd then deuyse bothe vnto most and least,
Of true beleefe a breefe and perfect waye,


That all men might, as well the younge as oulde,
Sone lerne the same and in memory houlde.
Syth then the holy ghost hath taught vs thus,
It doth behoue that we dilygently,
Do learne the same to knowe and to discusse,
And kepe eche parte therof most faythfull,
Wherefore the summe of it I wyll reherse
As here doth folowe in this kynde of verse.

Credo in deum patrem.

I do beleue with stedfast true intent
In God the father which is of all myght,
Who made heauen earth and al their whole content
The nyght the day the darkenes and the lyght,
And I beleue in Iesus Christ our lorde,
Hys onely sonne thee uerlastyng worde.
Which of the holy ghost conceyued was,
And of the most pure virgyn Mary borne.
And vnder Ponce Pylat as came to passe
Suffred, and on the crosse was rente and torne.
And beyng dead, was buryed in the ende,
And also downe into hell dyd descende.
And the thirde day accordyng to scripture,
He rose from death to perfect lyfe agayne:
And vp to heauen he ascended sure,
On god the fathers ryght hande to remayne:
Till at the last he once agayne shall come,
Both quicke and deade to iudge by rightfull dome.
I also beleue in the holy ghoste,


And in the church of chryst catholycall,
And of the sayntes the communion moste,
The forgeuenes of myne offences all,
And this our fleshe shall ryse agayne at last,
And I beleue eternall lyfe to taste.