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Willobie His Avisa

Or The true Picture of a modest Maid, and of a chast and constant wife. In Hexamiter verse. The like argument wherof, was neuer heretofore published [by Henry Willoby]

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Come lustie wench, I like thy lookes,
And such a pleasant looke I loue,
Thine eyes are like to bayted hookes,
That force the hungrie fish to moue,
Where nature granteth such a face,
I need not doubt to purchase grace.
I doubt not but thy inward thought,
Doth yeeld as fast as doth thine eye;
A loue in me hath fancie wrought,
Which worke you can not well denye;
From loue you can not me refraine,
I seeke but this, loue me againe.


And so thou dost, I know it well,
I knew it by thy side-cast glance,
Can hart from outward looke rebell?
Which yeaster night I spide by chance;
Thy loue (sweete hart) shall not be lost,
How deare a price so euer it cost.
Aske what thou wilt, thou know'st my mind,
Appoint the place, and I will come,
Appoint the time, and thou shalt find,
Thou canst not fare so well at home,
Few words suffice, where harts consent,
I hope thou know'st, and art content.
Though I a stranger seeme as yet,
And seldome seene, before this day,
Assure thy selfe that thou mayst get,
More knackes by me, then I will say,
Such store of wealth as I will bring,
Shall make thee leape, shal make thee sing,
I must be gone, vse no delay,
At six or seuen the chance may rise,
Old gamesters know their vantage play,
And when t'is best to cast the dice,
Leaue ope your poynt, take vp your man,
And mine shall quickly enter than.