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An Enuious Fooles bolt.

Because his Neighbour goes in decent sort,
Payes Parrish duties, with a good report,
Keepes wife and children, comely in attire,
Defraudeth not the labourer of his hier:
With creaditors hath not a haunted dore:
And is a Cheerefull giuer to the poore:
Behind his backe to do him hurt heele say,
It is a wealthie fellow, let him pay:
Hee wants no Coyne, his Purse is furnish'd still,
And is a man that hath the world at will,
Raise him to charges, taxe and bring him hie,
You do not know his state aswell as I:
T'is pitty such men are not seene into:
Were it in my power, I know what to do.
Thus doth this busie Foole, his censure giue:
Because his Neighbour compotent doth liue,
Within his compasse, a iust Dealer konwne,
And paying vnto euery man his owne;
That is not ritch, yet doth no ritches want,
Content and ritch, with that which God doth grant:
But Enuies Asses that such Bolts do shoote,
You are not only Fooles, but knaues to boote.