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Poems Sacred And Satyricall

viz ... By Nathanael Richards

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VVhen I contemplate Heav'n, and take no care
For worldly vanities; then my soule how farre,
How amorously faire thou art; destroying sinnes,
Man's a rich Monarch; then true joy beginnes,
Never till then; never did any fight
'Gainst sinne, but gain'd unspeakeable delight.
This, when I thinke upon, and practise too,
Heav'ns in my eye, want nor the worst of woe
Distracts my senses; but when I roote my mind
On this rude world, Vertue is soone strooke blind,
Witt, reason, all my senses are confounded,
Devills assault my flesh, my soule is wounded.
Save me, O save me Lord, thy worthlesse Creature;
Pittie the weakenesse of my Mortall nature.


Forgive all forfeitures my sinnes have made,
Vowes, Promises, protestations never paid.
I promis'd still to mend, to turne mine eyes
From sinfull waies; yet Heav'n knowes all were lies.
Shame to my soule; how dare I then looke up,
Expect least solace from sweete Mercies Cup?
O I am angry, vext to th' very heart,
I act not thy will Lord, but mine owne part.
A sinfull Tragicke Part which will deface
My soule; helpe Heav'n; send thy restraining Grace.
One Drop of Grace Celestiall can refresh
A fainting soule; cleanse Lord my corrupt flesh.
Vn-storme sinnes sulphurous storme; I burne I fry,
Like the impatient Fish, which violently
(Scorch't to the quick) it's raging heate to tame,
Leaps from the Pan, into the burning flame.
Such is the flaming Torture I endure,
Scorcht for my sinnes; where shall I fly for cure.
Want is a Mis'rie, much Wealth a trouble,
Honour a burthen; Beautie but a bubble.


Pleasure a shadow, advancement dangerous
Friendship a false Winds, and disgrace odious.
This world of sinne circles my braine with snares;
A thousand distractions, Millions of cares,
Beates on the Anvile of my poore weake head,
(To ruine sense) to strike all good thoughts dead;
Oft musing on the Worlds Witch-pleasing pelfe,
I thus beginne to argue with my selfe,
Why might not I be Rich? tush, God do's see,
This meane estate of mine fitter for me.
Then I collect my Spirits, praise that God
Which keepes me still unscourg'd; restraines the Rod
Of his just Vengeance, that might justly fall
On me, and mine, in Iustice ruine all:
“Had I the Worlds possession in my hand,
All Potentates on Earth at my command,
What then? I then; subject to all entices,
Might fill my little-world, with World of Vices.
It is enough I live, and 'tis too much
That I am fed, or cloathed, if I grutch.


My daies of sinne encrease, wax worse and worse,
Whither? O whither shall I direct my course?
Downe, downe foule flesh, (great God) my selfe I blame,
I aske thy pardon, asking in his name
That is my Life, the Light, the Way, the Word,
Mercy and Truth; faire Truth which do's afford
Mercy to all; onely prescribes this taske,
That whatsoever Mortall soules do aske
The Father in his Name it shall be done,
To glorifie the Father, in the Sonne.
O infinite sweetnesse; O Immortall love,
Thou God the Father, that dost rule above
The Highest Heav'ns; Thee in the blessed Name
Of Jesus Christ, (Theanthropos) that came
To save beleeving soules, I aske, implore,
Pardon, O pardon; out with sinnes rotten core
Rooted too neare my heart; whisper thy feare
Into my soule; let me not onely heare
Thy sacred word, but (in the practicke part)
Make perfect use of it; nere let me start


From thee my God; let sad Teares from mine eyes,
And sighes from my heart expresse my grievancies.
Though I fall foule and fearefully each day,
Lord let me not fall finally away.
And I if needs must fall, let my fall be,
From death to life, from sinne to sanctity.
Amor Dei, amorem Deo parit.