University of Virginia Library

Chelmsfords Fate.

ERe Famous Winthrops Bones are laid to rest,
The Pagans Chelmsford with sad Flames arrest;


Making an artificial day of night,
By that Plantations formidable light.
Here's midnight shreekes, and soul amazing groanes,
Enough to melt the very Marble-stones:
Fire-brands, and Bullets, Darts, and Deaths, and Wounds,
Confusive Noyses every where resounds:
The Natives shouting, with the English cries:
With all the Cruelties the Foes devise,
Might fill a Volume: but I leave a space,
For mercies yet successive in their place:
Not doubting but the foes have done their worst,
And shall by Heaven, suddainly be curst.