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The Downing legends : Stories in Rhyme

The witch of Shiloh, the last of the Wampanoags, the gentle earl, the enchanted voyage

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But gossips muttered stranger things.
They told that every moonlit night
She hasted forth (belike on wings)
And sought a lonesome windy height
Where anthemed hoarse an oaken wood;
And all the argent way she sang
In tongues no Christian understood
Till every bell of echo rang
And magic tumbled forth her brood.
Such roundelays she trilled, so sweet,
So full of necromantic power,
That brownies came on pranksome feet
And fairies leaped from every flower;
All trooping lightly tow'r'd a glade
Of turf amid the wizard wold,
Where roundabout they danced and played
As woodlings used in days of old.
Moreover, when the magic swarm
Dissolved and Yesebel returned,
Above her many a winged form


Of fay and gnome like fireflies burned;
Rejoicing sprites, with kindly eyes
As pure as jeweleries of dew,
And lips that had a pouting guise
Of blowing kisses while they flew.