University of Virginia Library


I've met the young creature you mean, Tom;
She 's truly quite pretty; but then
We men of fifteen should look higher
Than girls that have scarcely turned ten.
By Jove, it 's surprising how docile
To female attractions you are;
No, somehow life has n't yet made you
Blasé—will you try a cigar?
For my part, I seem to have grown, Tom,
Quite callous to Cupid's worst stings;
It may be my liver is ruined
With parties and suppers and things.


Or yet it may be that I'm reaching
The sober, grave epoch in life
When, wearied with folly and pleasure,
Men long for the joys of a wife.
And apropos, Tom; that reminds me:—
Kate Jones is a sweet little dear,
With charmingly kittenish manners
And twenty-five thousand a year.
We 've danced lots of germans together
And set people gossiping, too.
My chances look strong in that quarter;
I'll make the attempt—would n't you?
Yes, marriage is certainly better
Than what is called bachelor-ease.
Is that brandy, Tom, on the table?
Just pour me a glass, if you please.