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This is the road that leads me to revenge!
Here I will strike the final, fatal blow,
Here I will end my hatred,—vengeance now
Shall drink her fill, and be appeas'd. Abdallah!
Little thou think'st what treason lurks around thee,
Little thou know'st the blow, that I am aiming
Against thy life; oh! I shall be successful;
I read it plainly in my prosperous fortune;
I read it in the darkness of this hour,
So friendly to the murderer and assassin:
This is the hour, when sin is all awake
And active, this the time for blood and vengeance;
Now I can strike the deadly blow securely,
Now nothing stays me from my dark revenge.
Why should I fear then?—at the darkest midnight,
When all was still around, I've heard the lion
Pacing with silent step the desert sands
To seize his prey—have heard the serpent hiss
Close by my ear, and yet, I have not startled;
Ev'n in the midnight tempest, when the sound
Was one continual roar, the sky one flash,
And every soldier's spear was tipt with lightning,
I've stood unmov'd, nor felt one fibre quiver.
And shall I, in this hour when all is still
And dark, when all the army waits to aid me,
Shall I now tremble? hark! but conscience whispers,
“Has not Abdallah been thy friend and patron,
Did he not raise thee from the ranks and make thee
A prince; and canst thou now destroy his life?”


Conscience, thy plea is vain; indeed he rais'd me
From poverty to fortune, but 'twas all
To heap disgrace upon my head; by heav'n!
I'd rather always be a worm and crawl
Beneath Abdallah's foot, than thus be rais'd
To glory, but to meet this foul disgrace:
It was no kindness, no! but it was cruel,
Thus to torment me; I will be reveng'd!
Abdallah! help thee if thou canst; by Alla!
I'll make this poniard pierce thy very heart.
But do I hesitate? No, vengeance! vengeance!
Inspirit me to do the bloody deed:
Remember my disgrace; revenge! revenge!
On, on, and put the tyrant to the sword.