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—A Jail, in which Conrad is chained, while Eudora is leaning, with one hand on his shoulder, weeping.
Eudora! darkness gathers round my head!
What gloom is this?—oh! that I were in heaven!
Look at these hands—these tender hands—all chained!
As if my heart found music in their links!
Am I not Chillon's prisoner?—Tasso's friend?
Hear how they sing my requiem!—give me strength!
Eudora! canst thou loose these manly hands?
These hands wreak'd vengeance for myself and thee!
Oh! Darby! thou hast caused poor Conrad's death!
Oh! for the carrol of some heavenly bird!
Sweet nightingale! thou hast complain'd so long!
Sing on, sad bird! for thou shalt sing no more!

Thou hast redeem'd me unto death with thee!

The same kind deed thou would'st have done for me!

To live without thee, would be living death!—
To die with thee, would be eternal life!—
The sweetest death that ever mortal died!
As thou wert with me, in mine hour of pain,
So will I nurse thee in the lap of death!
As I have been thy pathway to the tomb,
So will I light thee through its darkest shades!
As thou hast been my brother, father, friend!
Then, let us die! absolved of two great pangs—
The foes of virtue, and the traitor's fangs.
Hark! I hear the watchman cry, 'tis morn!

Then let it come! these hands may then be free!
The greatest load that ever mortal bore!—
Eudora! gentlest of revengeful loves!
Look up to heaven, and smile—rejoice, my love!
As I am thine, then, all thy will is mine!
This life is thine, for thou art in this life!
As I am lost in thee, so am I found!


Hark!—hark!—the guard is at the door—tis done!
[Drum beats.
This morn, we part! and we shall meet no more!

I have a tale to tell, too sweet for that.
'Twould send an anthem through thy soul—part? part?
Hast thou not known Eudora's heart, this while?—
Oh! 'tis too deep to fathom, in this world!
Here is one chapter thou hast never read!—
[Shows him a phial of poison.
Look here!—dost thou not see this precious balm!—
This was an angel's gift!—'twill couch all pain!
Through all the fibres of thy manly heart,
Send sleep! immortal sleep! send night!—dark night!
And wake thy morrow in another world!

[Falls on him.
Oh! Eudora! poor Eudora! Conrad's wife!
[Embraces her.
Thy heart is strong—thy precious soul is wide!
These hands are bound, else I would fly to thee.

What I imbibe, the same is sweet to thee,
Though 'twere a chalice, teeming o'er with gall.
This little friend I'll keep, if that should fail.

[Shows him a dagger, which she procured, to kill them, if the poison should fail.
Oh! Eudora!—'twill drowse away this life!
Then, we must sleep, and thou, within these arms!

'Twas for that purpose that I brought it here!

One short hour more, Eudora? and we part!

Part?—never! never! on this side the grave!
This is the marriage banquet of our loves!
Drink thou one half, and I the rest—then, peace!
[He takes the phial and drinks one half.
Thou hast not known me yet—kind woman's love!
This world hath never known fond woman's love!
This is the place that lesson shall be taught!
That, he, who has a wife, may think on me;
And love her, that her love is woman's love!
'Tis that which makes her fear, till tempests rage!
Then, deepest seas roll high with loftiest waves;
But let the storm be calm—and all is love!—
Ye, who have wives, think on Eudora's love!
Love Conrad's wife! and wish Eudora thine!

Hark! the sounding drum! my time is come!—


Then, come, sweet antidote!—come, cure all pain!
Now, will I drink my part, and die with thee!—
[Drinks. Draws the dagger.
But one more rite!—if that expedient fail,
This never shall!—'tis well to have two friends!
I know this world—one, true or false, may fail!
'Tis warm with that which it shall turn to ice!—
[Feels the dagger.
Now, twilight visions gather round my soul,
And gentle slumber weighs me down to night!
Dark angel! make existence night! come down!—

[They lie down in each others arms.


—A street in Frankfort, where the guard assembles.
Enter Officer and guard.
We have our duty to perform at three.
Surround the prisoner at the jail, and stand—
You may proceed, and I will meet you there.
Be resolute!—he may have friends at hand.

[Exeunt omnes.


—Jail, as before. Conrad and Eudora sleeping. (Drum beats.) Eudora wakes and looks round wildly.
Where am I, Conrad?—am I not in heaven?
This can't be heaven! else Conrad would be here!
Oh! give me wings that I may fly to thee!
Thou art not here?—then I will not be there!—
[Drum beats.
I hear a sound!—there are no sounds in heaven!
There, angels sing!—there angels' songs are heard!
I am not there, else Conrad, too, would sing!
Where! where am I, then!—oh! Conrad! come! come!—
[Feels round.
Oh! Conrad! Conrad!—spirits! take me home!
Away to Conrad's home!

[Falls on his breast, and he wakes.

[She raises her head.
Where! where is that voice?



Oh! sweet Conrad! thou art here!

[Embraces him.
Eudora!—'tis too dark for heaven—'tis hell!

Wilt thou remain?

Eudora! wilt thou stay?
Do thou but stay, and I'll remain—'tis death!
'Tis that dark vale through which we pass to heaven!
We are not dead until we pass that shade!
Not dead to life, to earth—alive to heaven!

[Drum beats.
Rise, Conrad! rise and see!—'tis dark!—how dark!

Hark!—the drum!—where are we?—not in heaven!—hark!
[Feels round and looks up.
The guard! the drum!—Eudora's love is gone!

No!—I had lost my soul—I have it now!

[Strikes her forehead.
Jailor makes a noise at the door without.
Be still, Eudora.
[Draws her dagger.
Hold! thou canst not kill?

Too weak?—a lion has not strength like this!
[Raises her dagger.
Too weak!—the strength of death, too weak?—now peace!

Hark! too weak! they come! they come!—strike! strike deep!—

[She stabs him, and he falls.
His blood's upon the blade—now meet mine own.

[Stabs herself and falls. Jailor and guard enter.
Heavens! guard, what a sight!—look! look! behold!—
The groans we heard, were murder! they are dead!
Her soul's with his—and both their hearts are dead!

What? dead!—Conrad dead? lets see—dead?—he breathes?

Here is the dagger—buried in her heart!
[Pulls it out.
See if he's dead! see if he's cold!—has pulse.

[Feels hers.
O—O—O! Conrad!

Farewell, Eudora!

Conrad speaks!—he still has pulse!

Here is the wound! the wound! she's dead! she's dead!


The wound! the wound! give me my wife! my wife!
[They place her on the bed, and he struggles to rise.
She was too tender! Oh! she could not kill!
[They bear him to her.
Where is her pulse?—her soul? 'tis gone! my wife!
Now, I have lost my wife! Eudora's gone!
Eudora! speak!—oh! speak, my love!—oh! death!
Where is that dagger? strike me! kill me dead!
Let me go with poor Eudora! strike! strike!—

We must obey the law—you must be hung!

Give me my wife! help! oh! heaven! help! my wife!—

[They bear him out to the gallows, and the curtain falls.