University of Virginia Library



Did you hear about the social
That took place at Susie Greenes'?
That's so, you were off at college;
Well—you missed one swell old scene.
I was there, and sakes 'o Goodness!
What a swell old time we had;
Odor steaming from the kitchen,
'Nough to drive the hungry mad.
And a mighty crowd of people,
Came a flocking through the door;
Dressed in finest silks and satins,
Gals I never saw before.
Brown skin gals with yellah fellahs,
Yellah gals, with brown skin boys,
All a smiling and contented;
For the social they enjoyed.


Lucy Brooks and Sally Carter,
'Pon my word were looking fine,
Bet you can't pick out two ladies,
That can take away their prime.
They 're the finest gals I reckon,
Can be found for miles around;
Lucy came with Levy Johnson,
Sally came with Ely Brown.
Brown, he works for Doctor Collyer;
Being both about a size,
All the Doctor's cast off clothing,
Falls to him a captured prize.
With Miss Sally hanging to him,
I can see that couple yet;
She a handsome yellah lady,
He so stately, black as jet.
Close behind, came Levy Johnson,
And his face a lookin' light;
Lucy Brooks was hangin' to him,
She was any thing but white.


Susie Greene?—I'd nigh forgot her,
Dressed to death, and lookin' gran',
Huggin', kissin' all the ladies,
Speakin' sweet to every man.
If I'd try to tell all 'bout it,
Several hours I'm sure 'twould take;
So I'll shorten up the story,
And now tell who won the cake
After payin' pawns with kisses,
Playin' ev'ry sort 'o game.
Aunt Matilda—Susie's mother,
Smilin', in the parlor came.
In her hand she held a waiter,
With a cake of 'normous size;
Coated o'er with blood red icin',
That attracted all the eyes.
“Now,” She said, “young men an' ladies,
Git together two an' two!
An' the couple walks the fines',
This big cake belongs to you.”


Such a scramblin' then for partners,
And the couples formed in line,
Were led off by big Jim Lucus,
Puttin' on such monkey shines.
Walkin' knock kneed, walkin' jubah,
Walkin' cripple, walkin' sprung,
And his big cane filled with ribbons,
To the lively music swung.
Arthur Brooks and Sophie Woodson,
Struttin' to the music's sound,
Made a most delightful figure;
Following Jim around an' round.
Lucy Brooks an' Sally Carter,
With their partners was n't slow
And they walked so light and graceful,
Turnin', smilin', bowin' low.
So between these three fine couples,
There arose a mighty test;
And it puzzled all them judges,
Hard to sell who walked the best.


But I b'lieve 't was Levy Johnson,
He and Lucy won the prize;
Big Man! cut that cake wide open,
Boastin' of its monstrous size.
Soon we had joke upon them,
When Miss Carter made it known,
That the cake with blood red icin',
Was a great big Co'n-Bread-Pone.
After the big laugh was over,
We all parted from that spree;
What you say? it must been midnight.
It was almost half past three.