University of Virginia Library



Build thou with strength and beauty,
A temple grand and fair!
Foundation—truth and duty;
That temple—character!
Build thou with strength and beauty,
Young friends of Avery School;
True wisdom gain through study;
Let prudence be thy rule.
With care erect the temple
For His indwelling meet;
Thy character a temple,
With pillars all complete.
The rock Discrimination,
Which stands for truth and right!
Faith, based on education—
I know, experience light.
Faithful in much and little,
Steadfast and firm each hour;
Through Christ retrieve the battle—
Fidelity is power.

Written for, and used as a conclusion to the Baccalaureate Sermon preached to the Graduating Class of Avery Institute, at Centenary M. E. Church, Charleston, June 15, 1890, from the text found in 1 Kings, 7, 22: “On the top of the pillars was lily work.”


Sincere in all life's action,
A true and steadfast friend!
To win sweet satisfaction,
Sincerity defend.
The pillar of Self-sacrifice,
Thy strength to others give;
To highest state of manhood rise—
In light of virtue live!
The pillar of Benevolence,
Love for humanity;
Encouragement for temperance
And sweetest sympathy
The pillar strong of Self-control
Lay firm the corner-stone;
Let Self-reliance be thy goal;
A failure is the drone!
Above the pillars lily-work
Of rare and rich design;
With Oriental handiwork
And treasures of the mine.
The lily-work of Confidence
Of Faith and Gentleness,
Of Power and true Beneficence
Of Love and Righteousness!


Go forth thou class of Ninety,
From Avery Institute!
Go forth to do thy duty
Through good and ill repute.
Stand firm among the heroes,
The noble of thy race!
Fear not life's raging billows
Nor enemies to face.
Go forth to all life's duty,
With purpose strong and true;
Live lives of worth and beauty,
And faithful service do!
Go forth in golden days of youth.
And scatter seeds abroad—
To live in Virtue, Honor, Truth—
Fit temples of our God!