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Morning Glories :

Second Edition :

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Who was it held me on her knee?
When I was helpless as could be,
And hoped such noble things of me?
My Mother.
Who taught my infant lips to prat,
And understood my childish chat,
And who in patience calmly sat?
My Mother.
Who watched me grow from day to day,
Taught me “Our Father's prayer” to say,
And kept me out of evil's way?
My Mother.
Who shared my sorrow and my grief,
And always brought me sweet relief;
Of all my friends who was the chief?
My Mother.
Who always wisest council gave,
And taught me how life's storms to brave,
That I might safely ride each wave?
My Mother.
Who guarded me from tempter's snare,
Made me the burden of her prayer,
And watched with zealous tender care?
My Mother.
And when the sun dies in the west,
And birds fly homeward to their nest,
On whose fond bosom would I rest?
My Mother's.