University of Virginia Library

Marble Tourney Honors 'Whoop'

Marble shooters of
Charlottesville will be able to
compete this weekend for the
coveted Third First Annual
Whoop Moffitt Memorial
Marble Tournament Cup.

The TFAWMMT is sponsored
by the 1705 Jefferson Park
Avenue Authority, in memory
of Agmar "Whoop" Moffitt, a
late 19th century Scandinavian
architect and marble shooter.
The tournament will be open
to all interested persons,
regardless of age or marbles

The 1705 JPAA members
are again trying to bring back
an interest in Mr. Moffitt and
his accomplishments. He was
the true father of marbles as
we know it today. In fact, we
get our word "aggies" from a
derivation of his first name.

His other name, Whoop, has
an interesting background.
Through vigorous and
extensive research the 1705
JPAA found that this came
from an incident when he was
four years old. While working
in his father's shop he
happened to swallow five or six
cast iron ball bearings and
immediately became noisily
and wretchedly ill-hence his
name "Whoop."

But through this incident he
was introduced to the
forerunner of today's marbles.
He formulated a few rules and
soon became the undisputed
"High Huncher" of marbles.

His greatest moment in
tournament history led to his
death. He had just finished
running 4082 marbles (a
record which still stands)
against his opponent, Count
Wilhelm Wombat, in the
Vienna Invitational of '97.
Wombat became angry and
threw his shooter at Whoop,
and Agmar Whoop Moffitt died
with a steelie between the eyes.

The TFAWMMT will be held
Saturday, May 6, at 1 p.m. at
1705 Jefferson Park Avenue.
All persons wishing to register
for the tournament or wanting
further information should call
295-1075 or stop by 1705
bring your own shooter. NO

In case of inclement
weather, the TFAWMMT will
be held Sunday, May 7 at 1
p.m. or stop by anyway.

And remember: Whoop
