University of Virginia Library


There is however, a more
outrageous example of the
shenanigans that are engaged in to
effectively and systematically bar
students from full participation in
the governance of the University.
This is done by manipulation of

One of the prized
appointments that students have
eagerly sought is to the Future of
the University committee. Given
the problems of growth and the
impact on present and future
students, this committee has been
felt to be the one where discussion
of real issues and actual
involvement can be had.
Unfortunately such has not been
the case.

In previous years the charge
given to the Future of the
University committee by President
Shannon has been limited and
consequently only a relatively small
number of problems discussed. Last
spring the Student Council received
a commitment that the committee
would be reconstituted and given
responsibility to discuss and make
recommendations concerning all
aspects of the growth problem,
particularly those which had an
impact on students,-parking, class
size, housing and so forth.