University of Virginia Library

Supports Logical Program

Therefore the Charlottesville
Right to Life Committee supports
logically a program of free medical
aid and family planning, and
condemns the high cost of medical
care, and the constant refusal of
hospitals to provide humane
programs of health care for the
poor. Further they logically call for
an end to the War in Vietnam, and
the indictment of all government
officials responsible for the
abortion of those Vietnamese
children, who never had a chance.

They logically, support the
expulsion of all military recruiters
who advertise abortion services
(defining the function of the
military as broadly as possible), and
finally they logically support the
goals of women's' liberation as they
struggle to destroy the perversions
of a male dominated society, and
they promise to abstain from all
intercourse until the population of
the world teaches some reasonable.