University of Virginia Library

Pedestrian Traffic

In fact the Charlottesville
Department of Planning estimated
that daily traffic to and from the
University in 1965 was 18,087
vehicles and based on lower
estimates of University expansion
predicted a daily traffic flow of
40,019 vehicles by 1985.

But let us not assume that this is
the only problem. There remains
the incredible burgeoning
pedestrian traffic and that
remarkable insurgent of 1971, the
bicycle. Despite the fact that
students appear to be attempting to
combat the serious traffic
difficulties in the Cabell Hall
corridors by holding hands during
class changes, the elementary task
of regulating simple body flow
between academic facilities has
proven impossible to cope with.
And trying not to walk on the grass
of Homer Quadrangle-hah! If the
pedestrian traffic remains static,
even if there was no expansion at
all, the paths would still need to be
widened 100 per cent. It is
impossible to progress up the down
walkway without being shouldered
off the concrete—and one can't be
expected to thrash every bounder
who forces one to the wayside.

The East and West terraces of
Lawn's South end have become
almost impassable with bicycles of
every size and description. Indeed,
on some days it is a struggle to
clamber over them without looking
as if you've just untangled your
pant-leg from an oily chain, and if
there were ever a need to evacuate
the building in a hurry these
bicycles could present a serious
hazard. Daily, students report near
or actual mishaps by undisciplined
cyclists who maneuver their craft
undaunted through the eddying
mass of pedestrians.

And so we have the problem.
There are probably 2,000 too few
parking places available this year

while 70 per cent of the student
body is forced to live in off-grounds
housing. There are plainly and
simply too many students crowded
into too few classrooms which has
produced a nauseating pedestrian
traffic congestion at the conclusion
of every class. And there has sprung
up a non-regulated vehicular traffic
which is increasing' the dodgey
nature of securing a safe passage
anywhere on the grounds.

What are the solutions? Well, the
administration has cast its eagle eye
over all surface areas and where
practicable rendered them unto the
use of the automobile. So much for
the aesthetic qualities of the Greek
theatre. So much for the lawn areas
of the remaining Dawson's Row
houses. And the latest areas under
consideration?: "a parking garage in
the hospital area and...parking areas
in the Birdwood tract and on
University property adjacent to US
29, south of US 250." These new
areas, combined with the proposed
parking meters, graduated parking
fees ranging from $100 down to a
minimum of $15, and busing
system of some sort represent the
administration's solution to the
traffic and transportation problem.

Unh-unh. Nope. They missed
the boat. Until the administration
learns the very evident difference
between cause and effect they have
no hope of coping with the
problems which confront this
University. It is not good enough to
just say 'Well, half of one, six dozen
of the other.'