University of Virginia Library

Insurrection City

We were carried across
Washington, to the Redskin's
practice field. As we climbed out and
walked in the gate, hands held up
POW-style, the crowd of several
hundred prisoners already inside
the fence cheered loudly. It was
still early Monday morning.

The field was about 100 yards
wide, and 200 yards long. The
football goalpost at the gate end
had been twisted, and a black flag,
Viet Cong flag, and Insurrection
City flag flew from it. A medical
center was set up by arrested
medics to one side.

Towards the back of the field
lay a great trap, presumably there
to protect the field surface. It was
pulled over the other goalpost, and
an immense tent was created out of
scraps of wood, rags, etc. This was
the only shelter in the compound,
except for a small shed in a back
corner which became a latrine.