University of Virginia Library


Dear Sir:

I am writing this letter while still
under the influence of the
University's first Happy Day. It is
the influence of peoples' sharing
with one another-of community-that
made this day the
unforgettable experience that it has
been for so many of us.

My whole-hearted appreciation
and love go out to all the persons
who made this day a really happy
one; Father Stickle, who saw
everything through from its
embryonicy in February; President
Shannon, who once again proved
his intimate unity with the people
of the University (anyone who
doubts it should have witnessed his
drenching in the pool); and all of
the people who supported Happy
Day in any way-most of all those
who simply came for fun and
community, and shared in it
through their happiness.

The fact that it is no longer the
first day of May-that another
school week has begun-that exams
are projecting their frightening
shadows upon us-is no reason,
really, to disregard the happiness
that this day gave to us all, as
though it was never a part of
reality; I say that the spirit of
freedom and sharing that it stirred
up is reality-the reality that
everyone has been afraid to express
in day-to-day life.

Please-Let's all go on in this
spirit and continue to share our
happiness with one another, always;
and let's make our next Happy Day
more than just an anniversary.

Dave Valone
Grad. Eng. 1