University of Virginia Library


"Where's your draft card?" He

"I don't have one with me."

"Get back in the car" which I

Other Agent: "How old are


"Why aren't you in the Army?"

"They haven't tried to induct

Norman gives them substantially
the same answers. They run a
computer check. The car's not
stolen, there are no warrants or
hold orders for either of us. Two
more FBI cars pull up. We now have
five agents personally inspecting the
automobile, our belongings, the
trunk, everything short of being

A Highway Patrol Car pulls up.
Officer X confers with Agents A, B,
C, D, E, then looks over our papers,
mumbles something about "not
looking official" - "gotta impound
your car until you provide 'proper
registration'; could charge ya
witmore, but I'm not going to;
gotta taken you down to the

We go to the courthouse. "Oh,"
mumbles X "these fellas want to
talk to ya."

Friendly Agents A, and B

"Where are your draft cards"
(Norm's off with agent A, B's
interrogating me)

"Don'tcha hafta inform me of
my rights?"

"Ohyea. Here read and sign

He hands me a paper with the
synopsis of my rights at the bottom
is a paragraph for me to sign
agreeing to waive my rights to
remain silent and have a lawyer

"I won't sign this; I want time
to get a lawyer, You've got no
cause to even ask me these

"I suspect," Says B, "That you
two are either deserters, or have
refused induction somewhere. If
you don't answer my questions I
am going to get the U.S. Attorney
to indict you for NON-POSSESSION.

"Now will you answer my
