University of Virginia Library

Clear Opportunities

The major driving force behind
this new impetus should necessarily
come from the individual
fraternities themselves. As a
coordinating agency, the IFC has
shown a great amount of realization
of needs of the community which
can be met by University
organizations. The opportunities
therefore have been presented; it is
the responsibility of the fraternities
to do what is necessary to carry out
these opportunities.

The area of public imagery is
vitally important today to all the
fraternities at the University. In the
past few years; the entire question
of fraternity life and purposes has
been increasingly questioned not
only by incoming students but by
the members of the University

Without significant changes in
the present system, many of the
houses will be threatened by a
decrease in the number of rushees
and more public hostility towards
their activities. If for no other
reason than this, the presidents
should re-evaluate their positions in
the community service area.