University of Virginia Library

The Meeting

I met a rather elderly man at 9
P.M. that evening. He informed me
that he had been a former
employee with the university
police, and that he had heard of my
search for Mr. Jefferson. Without
any further ado he launched into
the point at hand. "Why," he said,
"do you think they put up those
poles in the street near the Law

"To prevent students from being
killed," I guessed.

"No," he said derisively. "They
were put there to stop Mr.
Jefferson. Late at night he used to
ride through here."

"The real Mr. Jefferson?" I
asked incredulously.

"The real one. They've been
trying to catch him for years.
Almost did once."

"But," I said, "this sounds
incredible. Do you mean to say that
the entire University police force
can't catch a man on a horse?"