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Burger Eats
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Burger Eats

Things are looking up, statewise.

MacDonald's Inc., presently
building at Barracks Road, veritably
dwarfs those figures with
their claim to have sold over
6,000,000,000 (six billion!) cheap
hamburgers in their career. If MacDonald's
has spend twenty years
reaching this figure, then they
could theoretically be expected to
go through a YEAR's supply of
dead Vietnamese civilians every

Nor is that all, for MacDonald's
is but one corporation. The addition
of Burger-Boy, Burger-Rama,
Burger-Chef, and Burger-King (not
to mention Food Services) boggles
the imagination.

This is not to imply that MacDonald's
serves dead Vietnamese,
(or even toenails) since it costs,
after all, about $1000 per pound to
kill people in Vietnam. The purpose
here is only to point that America
is a big, busy country, and has more
important things to worry with
then the fate of a paltry 35,000
innocent people.