University of Virginia Library


"Bacchanalia," the party section,
offers nothing out of the
ordinary and is even less daring that
last year's version.

As mediocre as it was, the party
section provides the last segments
of interest in the annual. The
Schools portion drowns the reader
in a sea of faces, despite the casual
shots which appear between the
names. Unless you are a degree
candidate, the impulse is to jump

Unfortunately, the only parts
left are the advertising section and
the lists of activities for the degree
candidates. The occasional candid
shot does not offer enough interest
to warrant even a brisk perusal.

Judging by the editors' self-expressed
goals, Corks & Curls falls
disappointingly short. Changes
must be made to avoid the same
difficulties in the future.

The photography of the yearbook
lacks imagination and quality.
The Fraternities section is ruined
by the number of pictures shot in
poor light, a problem which is
easily avoided. Trying to cut back
on expense, the staff apparently
used few professional photographers,
despite a paucity of
skilled amateurs.

The layout of the entire book
borrows heavily from those of
recent years and thus seems too
familiar. The failure to space copy
and pictures appropriately on the
pages detracts greatly from the
overall appearance. The resulting
surplus of white lets the reader
sweep through the pages without
grabbing his attention.