University of Virginia Library

Support "Blast" Motion

Mr. Ogle also presented this
motion: "We firmly believe that the
forbidding of sale and/or distribution
by Lane High School students
of student oriented material on
Lane High School grounds is an
improper restriction of academic
freedom and is therefore destructive
of educational goals.

"We, the Student Body of the
University of Virginia therefore
urge against the decision to forbid
the selling of the newspaper "Blast"
on school grounds.

Mr. Ogle urged that the Council
consider this matter even though it
was outside the University, because
of its relevance to two of Mr.
Jefferson's major concerns, freedom
of the press and of speech and

The editor of "Blast," Kenny
Cogland, explained that the students
had asked permission of the
principal to sell the paper and were
denied it without any reasons being
given - that in fact the principal of
Lane did not find the paper

The "Blast" staff had gone
through the proper channels for
approval, Mr. Cogland said. He
added that the school's other
publications are sold on school