University of Virginia Library

Welcome Comments

Dear Sir:

I appreciate your devoting your
editorial space on Tuesday to a
discussion of the required comprehensive
examinations in the College,
and I am sure that the
members of the Curriculum Evaluation
Committee will carefully consider
your suggestion to abolish
them. As you know, any recommendation
that the Committee may
wish to make must be approved by
the College Faculty.

Your comments - and others
like them - are welcomed by the
Curriculum Evaluation Committee.
Others, both Faculty and students,
will be given an opportunity to let
their opinions be known to the
Committee by a questionnaire that
will be distributed to all Faculty
and all fourth-year students within
the next few weeks. We hope that
all the recipients of the questionnaire
will complete it and return it
to us within a week.

I. B. Cauthen, Jr.
Dean of the College