![]() | The Cavalier daily. Friday, February 7, 1969 | ![]() |
The lead story in the February
6, 1969 Cavalier Daily, entitled
"Saunier Answers Charge About
University Wages" represents a
gross diversion from headline accuracy.
For Paul Saunier's announcement
that Mr. Jenkins has
made two trips to Richmond this
year to speak with state authorities
about pay increases neither provides
a satisfactory explanation of
the University's substandard salaries
and employee benefits, nor does it
begin to "answer" the recent justifiable
expressions of rage, disbelief,
and resentment emanating
primarily from Charlottesville's
black community with respect to
the deplorable position of the University
as an oppressive employer.
May I respectfully suggest to Mr.
Saunier that he cease insulting the
University community with evasive
and unresponsive public relations
statements. It would be more appropriate
and honest to let the facts
speak for themselves; Mr. Saunier
should release for publication in
The Cavalier Daily the abject
University wage scales and employee
benefits of the janitorial and
maid staff for all to see. These
figures will demonstrate sufficiently
the present callousness and indifference
of University policy toward its
poorest employees. And in view of
the unfair and inequitable existing
wage scales, it is no wonder that the
University is having great difficulty
in filling its bottom wage scale
positions. If the University were to
place the acquisition of a living
wage for its poorer employees high
enough on its scale of priorities,
however, then there is little doubt
that it would meet with greater
success in improving salary scales
and have no difficulty in receiving
an abundance of job applications
for all available positions.
The Virginia Weekly
Graduate A & S (3)
![]() | The Cavalier daily. Friday, February 7, 1969 | ![]() |