University of Virginia Library

Co-Education for St. C.

For the past year, a number of private institutions around the country
have expressed their interest in establishing a co-educational system on
their campuses. In the Old Dominion, two prep schools seem assured of a
merger in the near future. St. Christopher's must deal with this question,
and it is hoped that the administration will take a close look at the pros
and cons at such an idea.

The Editors of the Pine Needle believe that such a merger of the sexes
would hinder the advancement of higher learning and the quest for greater
knowledge. How can an ambitious young man get into college while an
equally young female, whose only ambition in life is to marry, is out to get
him. The time for co-education comes after one leaves the classroom and
goes into the world.

This Publication wished to imply that an institution of such high
standards as St. Christopher's should not be led astray by the actions of
other schools in which social life takes precedence over the mental life.