University of Virginia Library

Big Brother

Spiro T. Agnew, the Vice-Presidential
candidate on the Republican ticket has carried
the issue of law and order to its next logical

Responding to heckling from students at
Towson State College, a small college north of
Baltimore by saying, "part of the poisoning of
young minds comes at the university and
college level from some of these professors
and instructors, and I can document it." He
launched an investigation into the activities of
two Towson professors who had helped form
Towson's SDS chapter. But an investigation
was not the only action he took, and some
intimidating pressure has been applied to
relieve these men of there duties.

It seems that Mr. Agnew has finally taken
that one last step over the brink. For now he
uses "law and order," not only to advance
racism, but to mask the suppression of free
speech and impose limitations on the
academic freedom of the students of his own

The faculty, through the American
Association of University Professors, and the
students throughout Maryland have reacted
against Mr. Agnew's "repressive politics," to
quote a member of Maryland's SDS.

Conscientious students, jealous of their
right to free speech, and the pursuance of
learning, wherever it will lead, should, and
indeed must, oppose the election of Spiro T.
Agnew, if they wish to continue to express
their thoughts and opinions, without Big
Brother listening. MBR