University of Virginia Library

Letters To The Editor:

Rapier Prevents The Good Life

Dear Sir:

In my four years at Mr.
Jefferson's academical village, I
have been through a lot. I have
heard Mr. Jefferson's virtues
extolled year after year; heard the
honor system debated year after
year; watched the Lawn planted
year after year - only to watch it
die (Is the Lawn our death wish?). I
have perused through pages and
pages of The Cavalier Daily (What
else is there to do in class?), reading
about the English and Economic
dept. scandals (U. Va.'s answer to
academic freedom), reading
President Shannon's letter on
student demonstrations and
disorders (Did Mr. Wallace really
consider him for V.P.?), reading
letters from Mr. Schenkkan (the
Ralph Nader of the "U."), and
admiring the artistic photography
in the paper. And always I took the
papers home, placed them next to
the john, and forgot about them.
Then it happened! The Cavalier
Daily headlines read: RAPIER
Dean Williams grabs his head in
dismay; Dean Woody collapses; Mr.
Jefferson stands up (All these years
he's been on his what?); The
Mickey Mouse hands on the
Rotunda clock stand still; President
Shannon is unavailable for
comment (Mountain Lake was such
a nice place!). They said it couldn't
happen here! Foreign students are
outraged: Rapier must apologize
for this irrational and irresponsible
act. Why don't they do something
rational like getting drunk every
weekend, or traveling sixty miles
down the road just to have a date,
or running for student council, or
something - swallowing goldfish,
for God's sake!

Yes, it certainly is great, even
though our world sees troubled
times, that we can still laugh at
others - and ourselves. We may be
traditionalistic, apathetic, stagnant,
whatever, but at least we here at
the University never lose our sense
of humor. If we could just rid
ourselves of those bearded preverts,
pinkos, anarchists, and general
obstructionists from Rapier
magazine - the one that purports,
"For here we are not afraid to
follow the torch, wherever it may
lead us..." (Munich, beware!).
Why won't they let us return to the
exciting life we used to have here in

William B. Lindsley

United Givers

The United Givers Fund
campaign just concluded has
demonstrated again the generosity
and dedication of the many
members of our University family.

The University Division goal was
$41,000, and we raised over
$45,000 by the official closing

We of the United Givers Fund
staff are particularly grateful to the
70 workers who contributed so
much of their own time, patience
and funds. Special expressions of
gratitude and commendation have
been earned by two student
organizations. Led by Mr. Whit
Clement, the Cavalier Fund Drive
has made a substantial cash gift to
the United Givers Fund. The
Inter-Fraternity Council, through
one of its service committees
headed by Mr. Bill Nixon, provided
the important support needed to
collect funds and reports from our

Most of all, we are deeply
grateful to the faculty, staff and
students who cared enough to
contribute so generously to this
year's drive.

James J. Benshoff