University of Virginia Library

Explains Riots

Dear Sir:

Judging from Mr. Ogden's
article in Friday's The Cavalier
Daily, I would say that he has
learned well his Marxism. Needless
to say, when one adheres to
the extreme left-wing of political
philosophy, a thorough knowledge
of Marxism or communism in the
necessary result. I wish to comment
briefly on two points discussed
in his article, namely the
murders in Orangeburg and the
ineptness of the American capitalist

A group of black militants,
after having aroused several groups
of students at the colored colleges
in Orangeburg, decided with the
aid of their recruits to storm a
privately owned bolling (sic) alley
which was being legally operated
as a private club. Even after using
the storm-trooper tactics in which
these militants are so versed, they
were unable to gain entry. Because
they had been rebuked which
to them is the cardinal sin, they
decided to cause additional furor
in the city. This they accomplished
by starting several fires
at one of the colleges and at
the home of an elderly lady who
lived near the college.

While the fire department, being
protected by local police, was extinguishing
the fire, they were fired
upon by the militants. Under the

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circumstances the police had but
one alternative and that was to
shoot back. It is indeed unfortunate
that three students were
shot but by taking part in such
illegal and debased activities, they
must accept the consequences.

Mr. Ogden must believe that
any tactic may be employed to
correct any situation which he
deems to be immoral. The privately
owned club was believed to
be acting on an immoral doctrine
-discrimination according to race.
This might be true, but to infringe
upon the private freedom
of an individual in an illegal manner
is as great a moral sin. No
man, whether he be white or black,
has the right or the duty to mercilessly
destroy other peoples'
property or endanger their lives.

The capitalist system operates
on the premise of a free market
in which decisions are made as to
the allocation of scarce resources.
These decisions are made according
to the votes cast by consumers
via their purchases in the market
place. The capitalist system, by
far, is the best device ever devised
to satisfy the economic desires of
man. It works much better than the
communist system. Just compare
the economic well-being in this
country with that in the USSR!

It does not oppress the poor.
To say they are oppressed is to
say that the capitalist system will
not allow them to improve their
well-being. This is false in so far
that under a capitalist system everyone
has the opportunity to work
to improve himself. All it takes is
initiative and diligence. The
capitalist system rewards the rich
in proportion to their work and
their contribution to the capital
stock of the economy. The capitalist
system is not partial to any
individual. Each one "reaps where
he has sown."

Since I disagree with Marxism,
I disagree with Mr. Ogden's stand
on the capitalist system. His attack
on the capitalist system is
identical to that of Marx as presented
in Book I of "Das Kapital."
If Mr. Ogden dislikes our
capitalist system, perhaps his
talents can be better employed
by his moving to Havana. Judging
from the reception received by
Stockly (sic) Carmichael, he should
get a warm and red welcome.

M. W. Hudgins, Jr.
Grad. A&S