University of Virginia Library

Heart Drive Needs Volunteers

The Charlottesville - Albemarle
Heart Fund will conduct its annual
drive during the month of
February. The American Heart
Association has appointed Bill
Wright, third-year college student,
as county co-chairman to direct
the University student canvass of
suburban areas.

Several University organizations
have agreed to take part in the
county canvass, including the
Inter-Fraternity Council, Alpha
Phi Omega Service Fraternity,
and the University Young Republicans.

On the Sunday afternoons of
February 11 and 18, student volunteers
in two-man teams will go
from door to door in designated
residential areas outside Charlottesville.
Each team will be provided
with maps, canvass instructions,
and identification. Most residents
will be expecting a call because
of advance publicity.

Although the University Young
Republicans have in years past
assisted in Heart Fund solicitations
at local theaters, this is the
first time that University students
have been entrusted with the responsibility
for canvassing in residential
areas. The initial response
to requests for help has been good.

Any student who is willing to
take an active part in the drive
contact Mr. Wright at 293-4800.