University of Virginia Library

Dear Sir:

This letter is being written in
order that I might have information
on a vital issue and that
some fruitful discussion might be
provoked by the responses that
would be received. My main question
is-What is the racial policy
of the University of Virginia? Perhaps
this question could best be
answered by responding to the
following questions:

1. On recruitment of students.
Does the University actively recruit
students in predominantly
Negro high schools and colleges?
The lack of Negro students here
at the University would seem to
indicate that such is not the case
Here I do not mean the super
athlete-scholar who can take his
pick of any number of schools.

2. On housing. In off campus
housing for students and for dates
is a non-discriminatory pledge required
of landlords before their
lodging is put on the list of approved
housing? In University
housing are Negro students assigned
on the basis of race?

3. Is the University an equal
opportunity employer? Does the
University have a policy of buying
only equal opportunity employers?
Does the University allow only
equal opportunity employers to
recruit students on the University

I do not ask these questions
for my own information only, but
rather to see if the University
of which I am a part is cognizant
of its moral force and responsibility
to the community and its own
students. If it is found that the
University has abdicated in this
regard, it would be hoped that
the University students would help
it back to the proper path.

John C. Broadburst, Jr.
Graduate A&S