University of Virginia Library


The President reminded the members of the Board of the request he had presented at the
December, 1961 meeting (Minute Book, University of Virginia, No. 12, p. 303) from the City Manager
of the City of Charlottesville for some easements on certain University property for use in expanding
the present two-lanes of Emmet Street from the C. & O. underpass north, to a four-lane divided
street. In December certain problems relating to the traffic flow into Emmet Street from University
Gardens had not been worked out in detail. At that time he thought his recommendations on the matter
would have to be submitted to the Executive Committee.

Since the December meeting of the Board the problems of traffic flow from University Gardens
into Emmet Street had been satisfactorily solved. The President detailed to the Board the solution
of these problems and then went on to say that the City had renewed its request. However, the City
was now uncertain whether the Bureau of Public Roads will accept an easement in lieu of a fee simple
conveyance of title for the portion of the University's property on which the actual roadbed is
to be constructed. The City hopes to begin construction in May and must certify prior to beginning
construction that titles to all lands necessary for the road have been secured. It appeared therefore
that the matter probably could not wait for action by the full Board at its meeting in June.
The President requested that he be granted authority to execute, preferably, a grant of easement of
the lands needed by the City, but if necessary, a deed to such lands conveying the fee simple title
thereto, subject to the approval of the Governor, of such conveyance.

After full discussion of the matter, upon motion duly made and seconded, it was,

RESOLVED, that the President be and he is hereby authorized and empowered to execute, in the
name and on behalf of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia, such grants of easement
of right of way over lands of the University of Virginia necessary to enable the City of Charlottesville
to construct a four-lane street along the present route of Emmet Street from the C. & O.
underpass north,

RESOLVED, further, that if necessary in the discretion of the President, and subject to the
approval of the Governor of such conveyance, the President be, and he is hereby authorized and
empowered to execute a deed to the City of Charlottesville conveying the fee simple title to such
lands of the University of Virginia as may be required to enable the City of Charlottesville to
construct such four-lane street,

RESOLVED, further, that the Secretary be and he is hereby authorized and empowered to affix
the corporate seal of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia to any such grant of
easement or deed, and to attest the same